China Reportedly Deploys Offensive Cyber Attacking Tool Against Ethereum Mining Pool
China Reportedly Deploys Offensive Cyber Attacking Tool Against Ethereum Mining Pool
China’s “Great Cannon,” an offensive cyber attacking tool capable of taking down websites the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) deems hostile to the country’s interests, is now al...
China Reportedly Deploys Offensive Cyber Attacking Tool Against Ethereum Mining Pool

China’s Xi Cements Power With Historic Communist Party Resolution
China’s Xi Cements Power With Historic Communist Party Resolution
President of China Xi Jinping has issued a new historic resolution to cement his leadership as the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) going forward. The only other lead...
China’s Xi Cements Power With Historic Communist Party Resolution

China Wants to Ban Private Capital Involvement in Media, Publishing, Online Platforms
China Wants to Ban Private Capital Involvement in Media, Publishing, Online Platforms
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has reportedly laid out plans to ban any private-sector involvement in media, publishing and online platforms. “The Hash” panel discusses the...
China Wants to Ban Private Capital Involvement in Media, Publishing, Online Platforms

China Crypto Crackdown: Calendar Offers Clue as to 'Why Now?'
Crypto crackdowns tend to intensify amid politically sensitive times in China.

China Has Many Strategic Reasons to Invest in Blockchain
From stopping double-lending in its credit industry to an escape from dollar hegemony, China has every reason in the world to invest in blockchain.

Nasdaq Blockchain Trial Resolves Margin Calls 'in Minutes'
A group of industry stakeholders is trialing a blockchain system designed to more efficiently cover margin calls in securities trading.