Crypto Valley

How Crypto Fits Into the Global Conversation as World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Kicks Off
How Crypto Fits Into the Global Conversation as World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Kicks Off
The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is scheduled to kick off this Sunday. Felix Honigwachs, CEO of Xchange Monster and delegate from Crypto Valley, shares a p...
How Crypto Fits Into the Global Conversation as World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Kicks Off

It's the Crypto Network, Stupid
A simple lesson from the 2018 bearish crypto market: We are better together, argued Ian Simpson of the Crypto Valley Association.

Swiss Government Supports Launch Blockchain Task Force
The Swiss government has launched a new initiative to cement its regulatory framework surrounding blockchain startups and ICOs.

ICO Central: Why Switzerland Will Remain Crypto Valley
Switzerland is poised to remain a hotbed of ICO activity, despite regulatory actions. But it should not try to be the only hub, writes Ian Simpson.

For Blockchain Startups, Switzerland's 'Crypto Valley' is No New York
A tiny province in Switzerland is proving a magnet for blockchain startups