Digital Currency Council

Digital Currency Council Joins 500 Startups Accelerator
The Digital Currency Council (DCC) has announced that it will join California-based 500 Startups' accelerating programme.

CoinDesk - Unknown
Survey: 9% of Americans 'Puzzled' by Bitcoin Logo
A survey by The Digital Currency Council has looked into how the bitcoin brand is perceived by Americans.
CoinDesk - Unknown

CoinDesk - Unknown
'The Age of Cryptocurrency' Recorded on Blockchain
On Monday evening the first book of its exposure by a major publisher was permanently recorded into the bitcoin blockchain.
CoinDesk - Unknown

Why Bitcoin Needs Lawyers to Bridge the Technology Gap
As bitcoin continues to be taken more seriously by banks and regulators, the industry needs lawyers to help smooth out bumps on its way to mainstream.

New Organisation Offers Bitcoin Accreditation for Financial Professionals
The Digital Currency Council is now offering bitcoin industry accreditation to accountants, attorneys and financial professionals.