
Blockchain’s Humanitarian Use Cases
Blockchain’s Humanitarian Use Cases
Startup Emerge seeks to use emerging technologies to help the underserved. CEO Lucia Gallardo discusses how blockchain can enable donation transparency and numerous other bene...
Blockchain’s Humanitarian Use Cases

How Does Blockchain Tech Help the Humanitarian Industry?
How Does Blockchain Tech Help the Humanitarian Industry?
Lucia Gallardo, MIT Innovator Under 35 and CEO of Emerge, a startup dedicated to developing emerging tech solutions with social impact, discusses what blockchain offers the hu...
How Does Blockchain Tech Help the Humanitarian Industry?

How Blockchain Technology Serves the Underserved Across the Developing World
How Blockchain Technology Serves the Underserved Across the Developing World
UWINCorp Limited has a particular mission: to help underserved communities across Africa document and assert sovereignty over their natural resources, including indigenous pla...
How Blockchain Technology Serves the Underserved Across the Developing World