
Cory Doctorow on Privacy, Web3, and Fighting the Surveillance Cartel
Cory Doctorow on Privacy, Web3, and Fighting the Surveillance Cartel
The science fiction author and blogger holds forth on how to restore internet freedom in an era when “the whole tech industry’s leadership fits around one table.”
Cory Doctorow on Privacy, Web3, and Fighting the Surveillance Cartel

Cory Doctorow's Web3 Rallying Cry: 'Seize the Means of Computation'
The sci-fi author exhorted Consensus 2021 attendees to take back power for internet users from a tech cartel whose leaders “can fit around one table.”

Cory Doctorow: The Monopoly Web Is Already Here
The science fiction writer on how monopolies came to dominate today's economy and why the orthodoxy of tech criticism is wrong.