Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela’s Maduro Announces 18-Fold Increase to Minimum Wage, Pegged to Official Cryptocurrency
Venezuela’s Maduro Announces 18-Fold Increase to Minimum Wage, Pegged to Official Cryptocurrency
According to a Bloomberg report, Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro announced a 18-fold increase in Venezuela’s monthly minimum wage to roughly 126 bolivars ($28) by pegging i...
Venezuela’s Maduro Announces 18-Fold Increase to Minimum Wage, Pegged to Official Cryptocurrency

Venezuela Rolls Out Ethereum-Based Stock Exchange to Help Skirt US Sanctions
The blockchain-based exchange comes as part of new measures announced by Pres. Nicolas Maduro in a bid to sidestep tough U.S. sanctions.

US Says Venezuelan President Maduro Hid Massive Drug Ring Proceeds in Crypto
Nicolas Maduro and his crypto supervisor were two of the Venezuelan officials indicted Thursday on claims they used crypto to conceal the profits from drug running.

Venezuela's Maduro: Airlines Must Use Petros to Pay for Fuel
The state oil company will only accept petro for airplane fuel, per a new decree from Venezuela's president.

Venezuela's Maduro Says He Will Airdrop Half a Petro Each to Public Employees, Retirees
Venezuelans including public sector workers, retirees and the military are set to receive a petro token handout this Christmas, so long as they register for the state's crypto...

Venezuela's Maduro Mandates Petro Use in Funding of Housing Project
Venezuela's president has ordered his pet cryptocurrency, the petro, to be used in funding an ongoing housing initiative.

Venezuela's Maduro Orders Top Bank to Make Petro Available to Public
President Maduro has ordered the Bank of Venezuela to open public counters for his controversial cryptocurrency, the petro.

US Treasury Sanctions Russian Bank Over Links to Venezuela’s Petro
The U.S. Department of the Treasury has sanctioned a Moscow-based bank over its role in financing Venezuela’s controversial petro token.

Bolivars to Bitcoin: Activists Take Down Venezuela's Maduro in Crypto Art Exhibit
As the situation in Venezuela continues to escalate, artist cryptograffiti, crypto exchange AirTM and merchant services provider Cripto Conserje have teamed up for an all-day...

Venezuela to Sell Oil for Petro Cryptocurrency in 2019, Says Maduro
Venezuela's President Maduro has said the nation will sidestep the dollar and use its controversial petro token for oil sales next year.