Stacks Foundation

OKCoin and Stacks Pledge $165M to Support Bitcoin-Related Projects
OKCoin and Stacks Pledge $165M to Support Bitcoin-Related Projects
Cryptocurrency exchange OKCoin has pledged $165 million for an initiative called “Bitcoin Odyssey” which will work in conjunction with the Stacks Accelerator and Stacks Founda...
OKCoin and Stacks Pledge $165M to Support Bitcoin-Related Projects

Expanding the Use Cases of NFTs, Bitcoin’s Blockchain
Expanding the Use Cases of NFTs, Bitcoin’s Blockchain
Hundreds of developers from around the world are building on Stacks, a network of decentralized apps (dapps) and smart contracts atop Bitcoin. But is it a good idea to expand...
Expanding the Use Cases of NFTs, Bitcoin’s Blockchain

Stacks Launches $4M Accelerator to Fund Tech Teams Building Apps on Bitcoin
The program will invest in early stage startups building within the Stacks ecosystem.